Attention: Bend Venture Conference Early Stage Finalists

October 18, 2017 - Published By Camp Creative

We are thrilled to be attending the Bend Venture Conference (BVC) hosted by our neighbors at EDCO this week here in Oregon. After all, it is a quick float down the river from our new Central Oregon headquarters!  Yes, we just snuck that hot press release in here as well!  Check the view from those cliffs in the photo above!

Our start here in Bend began a couple years ago when I first started working remotely at BendTech. I had a blast working alongside creative individual founders, remote workers and small teams that eventually outgrew their dedicated spaces in the building. Camp Creative is happy to join the ranks of those who have “graduated” from BendTech, especially those who have moved onward and upward to start and grow their own companies.

With that spirit in mind, I’m also double thrilled today to announce that Camp Creative will be donating $10,000 of our services to the winner of the Early Stage Competition this Friday October 20th at Tower Theater! Our team has a passion for helping some of the world’s leading brands reach customers and grow online. There are five amazing finalists who have battled through the ranks of many local startups to reach the stage at BVC. Bend Broadband Business has been a great sponsor of this event and we want to throw ourselves in the ring as well. The winner will be able to now direct 100% of their Bend Broadband Business prize money to the hard costs that matter the most. Whether that is printing flyers, manufacturing product, running Facebook ads or paying back Grandma, they can focus their dollars on that and we’ll be here to offer our array of digital marketing services in parallel.

So to Friday’s Early Stage popular vote winner:

Congrats! We’re looking forward to sitting down, learning more about your business and making a defined plan for how we can be an effective partner with our time allotment. We promise you’ll get the most bang for your no buck!  And no strings attached. You’ll have direct access to our team of designers, developers and marketers to help your business get to the next level-whether that’s growing your customer base or polishing your brand to present to more investors. We’re looking forward to meeting you in a couple days!

Also, a big thank you to EDCO for spearheading the Bend Venture Conference and all the sponsors and supporters involved. It’s wonderful to see that talent, entrepreneurship and technology are alive, well and continue to grow in Central Oregon.  Cheers to having this year’s conference break new angel investment records, a successful winter for Bend businesses and to an epic snow season ahead!