Mobile Device Behavior Demands New Tactics
The path to purchase for customers is no longer a straight line. Think about the last time you purchased tickets for a show or concert. How many ads were you exposed to promoting the event? Where were you at the time when you saw those messages, browsing Facebook on your mobile phone, perhaps reading reviews using a tablet? Did you send an email link to yourself as a reminder to buy later? How many digital interactions did you have and on what devices before you finally hit the buy button? This is indicative of a change of behavior from predictable daily online sessions, to numerous fragmented interactions that define the purchase journey that customers make everyday.
According to Forrester:
75% of US online adults use 2+ devices connected to the internet, and 67% have switched devices while completing common tasks.
We can help identify opportunities that help customers accomplish their goals when they want, on whatever device they have at hand. That means using different tactics to provide experiences and interactions that are device friendly. For example, how do we influence the intent of a prospective customer on a mobile device based on location?
Google defines these intent-driven moments as micro-moments of decision making:
Micro-moments occur when people reflexively turn to a device — increasingly a smartphone — to act on a need to learn something, do something, discover something, watch something, or buy something. They are intent-rich moments when decisions are made and preferences shaped.
For us, adopting a mobile mindset for our clients means understanding and meeting customer needs. And that requires thinking about where they are, what their intent is, on what devices, and how we can help them succeed.